Our Approach

Our approach is to work across all levels in the organisation to enhance safety and operational performance.

We believe that ultimately, whatever work we do, we must demonstrate that this work is value-adding to the achievement of business outcomes. Engaging people is a critical component in this process. Therefore the factors we believe important to gain your confidence to use us to develop your leaders, supervisors and teams, includes:


Involves meeting with key decision makers to determine the desired state, review the current state (challenges, perceptions) and the proposed solution for closing the gap. We seek to understand the vision, values and systems in place to achieve the desired state and current measures (LTI, revenue) to provide a benchmark against which our success can be measured. Key outcomes include the creation of a Project Team, including functions, to help drive the change, and Group Action Plan;


Involves developing the proposed solution based on your needs. Our solutions incorporate psychometric assessment tools, experiential-based learning methods and targeted coaching to help fulfil your potential. Our solutions are based on adult-learning principles and incorporate both theory and practical components;


Involves engaging the workforce of the proposed intervention and gaining commitment to the process. The engagement process is led by internal Project Team members, supported by our team as needed. Key items for communication include “why, how, when, who, what and where” and mediums for communication can include seminars, email, and electronic presentations, for example;


Involves delivering the agreed solution. At the conclusion of programs and solutions, our approach typically involves an analysis of strengths and areas for development, recommendations, and the development of individual, team and/or organisational Action Plans designed to act on those things that are needed to maximise performance;


Involves working closely with our clients to determine progress made since the introduction of our solution and next steps to ensure maximum performance is sustained. Our Client Account Management (CAM) System ensures that we maintain quality standards and relationships with our clients at every step.

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one things of changing himself

Leo Tolstoy

Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it

Dwight D Eisenhower

The only thing worse than being blind is having sight but no vision

Helen Keller

You must be the change you wish to see in the world

Mahatma Ghandi

The Law of Rasberry Jam: the wider any culture is spread, the thinner it gets

Alvin Toffler

Management is doing things right. Leadership is doing the right things

Peter Drucker